(Not documented)
# File bin/pool, line 23 23: def init_pool 24: @pool = Tournament::Pool.ncaa_2008 25: @pool.scoring_strategy = Tournament::ScoringStrategy.strategy_for_name(params['scoring'].value) 26: end
(Not documented)
# File bin/gui.rb, line 64 64: def label_for(team, round = 1, game = 1) 65: label = if Tournament::Bracket::UNKNOWN_TEAM == team 66: "r:%d g:%d" % [round, game] 67: else 68: if round == 1 || round > 4 69: "%2d %s (%s)" % [team.seed, team.name, team.short_name] 70: else 71: "%4s" % team.short_name 72: end 73: end 74: end
(Not documented)
# File bin/gui.rb, line 14 14: def load_data 15: @entry = YAML::load_file(@save_file) 16: end
Loads the pool from the save file. If the save file does not exist, creates a default pool
# File bin/pool, line 15 15: def load_pool 16: @pool = YAML::load_file(save_file_name) 17: end
(Not documented)
# File bin/gui.rb, line 99 99: def make_pick(region_idx, round, team_num, real_game) 100: team = @teams[region_idx][round-1][team_num] 101: return if team == Tournament::Bracket::UNKNOWN_TEAM 102: 103: matchup = @entry.picks.matchup(round,real_game).reject{|t| t == team}[0] 104: 105: if round == 4 106: @champ[region_idx].replace label_for(team, 6, 1) 107: #@labels[0][4][region_idx].replace label_for(team, 6, 1) 108: end 109: 110: if round == 6 111: @overall_champ.replace label_for(team, 6, 1) 112: end 113: 114: forward_round = round 115: forward_idx = team_num / 2 116: forward_team = @teams[region_idx][forward_round][forward_idx] rescue nil 117: while forward_team == matchup 118: ri = forward_round > 4 ? 0 : region_idx 119: @labels[ri][forward_round][forward_idx].replace BLANK_LABEL 120: forward_round += 1 121: forward_idx /= 2 122: if forward_round == 4 123: @champ[region_idx].replace 'Regional Champ' 124: end 125: if forward_round == 6 126: @overall_champ.replace 'NCAA Champion' 127: end 128: ri = forward_round > 4 ? 0 : region_idx 129: fi = forward_round == 5 ? region_idx : forward_idx 130: forward_team = @teams[ri][forward_round][fi] rescue nil 131: end 132: 133: ri = round >= 4 ? 0 : region_idx 134: ti = team_num / 2 135: if round == 4 136: ti = region_idx 137: end 138: @entry.picks.set_winner(round, real_game, team) 139: return if round >= 6 140: begin 141: @labels[ri][round][ti].replace label_for(team, round+1, real_game) 142: @teams[ri][round][ti] = team 143: rescue Exception => e 144: alert "got error for ri #{ri} round #{round} team_num #{team_num}: #{e}" 145: end 146: end
(Not documented)
# File bin/gui.rb, line 76 76: def matchup_flow(region_idx, round, game, real_game, bc, gap) 77: @entry.picks.matchup(round,real_game).each_with_index do |team, idx| 78: flow do 79: background bc 80: flow_idx = (game-1)*2 + idx 81: @teams[region_idx][round-1][flow_idx] = team 82: stack :width => (width - 26) do 83: @labels[region_idx][round-1][flow_idx] = para label_for(team, round, game), :height => 26, :width => 175, :font => "Monospace 10px" 84: end 85: stack :width => 26 do 86: @buttons[region_idx][round-1][flow_idx] = button ">", :width => 26, :height => 26, :font => "Monospace 6px", :margin => 1 do 87: make_pick(region_idx, round, flow_idx, real_game) 88: end 89: end 90: end 91: if gap > 0 && idx == 0 92: stack :height => gap, :width => width do 93: background bc 94: end 95: end 96: end 97: end
(Not documented)
# File bin/gui.rb, line 44 44: def round_stack(region_idx, round, games_per_round, gap, top, width) 45: stack :width => width do 46: if top > 0 47: stack :height => top, :width => 26 do 48: background white 49: end 50: end 51: 1.upto(games_per_round) do |game| 52: bc = game % 2 == 0 || round > 1 ? lightgreen : white 53: real_game = game + region_idx * games_per_round 54: matchup_flow(region_idx, round, game, real_game, bc, gap) 55: if gap > 0 56: stack :height => gap, :width => width do 57: background white 58: end 59: end 60: end 61: end 62: end
(Not documented)
# File bin/pool, line 263 263: def run 264: load_pool 265: if params['add'].given? 266: @pool.add_entry_yaml(params['add'].value) 267: save_pool 268: elsif params['remove'].given? 269: @pool.remove_by_name(params['remove'].value) 270: save_pool 271: else 272: puts "Please specify add or remove" 273: print usage.to_s 274: exit_warn! 275: end 276: end
(Not documented)
# File bin/pool, line 310 310: def run 311: load_pool 312: @pool.send("#{params['type'].value}_report") 313: end
(Not documented)
# File bin/pool, line 118 118: def run 119: installer = Tournament::WebguiInstaller.new(params['web-dir'].value) 120: installer.tmp_dir = params['tmp-dir'].value 121: options = params.to_options 122: if params['use-princexml'].given? 123: prince_xml = params['use-princexml'].value 124: if File.exist?(prince_xml) && File.executable?(prince_xml) && !File.directory?(prince_xml) 125: puts "=> USING PRINCE XML EXECUTABLE #{prince_xml}" 126: elsif File.exist?(prince_xml) && File.executable?(prince_xml) && File.directory?(prince_xml) 127: puts "=> INSTALLING PRINCE XML INTO #{prince_xml}" 128: installer.install_prince(prince_xml) 129: prince_xml = File.join(prince_xml, 'bin', 'prince') 130: else 131: print usage.to_s 132: exit_warn! 133: end 134: options['prince-path'] = prince_xml 135: end 136: puts "=> INSTALLING TOURNAMENT WEB GUI INTO #{installer.install_dir}" 137: installer.install_webgui 138: puts "=> ADJUSTING TOURNAMENT WEB GUI CONFIGURATION" 139: installer.adjust_configuration(options) 140: 141: puts "=> INSTALLATION COMPLETE." 142: puts "You should now change to #{installer.install_dir} and" 143: puts "perform the following steps:" 144: puts " 1. RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate" 145: puts "If this is the first time you have installed the web gui, you" 146: puts "Should also perform these steps:" 147: puts " 1. RAILS_ENV=production rake auth:gen:site_key" 148: puts " 2. RAILS_ENV=production rake \"admin:create[admin,#{params['admin-email'].value},Joe Admin,password]\"" 149: puts " You should substitute your desired admin user login, name and password." 150: end
(Not documented)
# File bin/pool, line 287 287: def run 288: load_pool 289: File.open(params['entry'].value, "w") do |f| 290: YAML::dump(@pool.tournament_entry, f) 291: end 292: end
(Not documented)
# File bin/pool, line 174 174: def run 175: init_pool 176: puts "Initialized new pool" 177: puts "Scoring:" 178: puts @pool.scoring_strategy.description 179: save_pool 180: end
(Not documented)
# File bin/pool, line 234 234: def run 235: load_pool 236: rank = params['rank'].value 237: if 'last' == rank 238: rank = :last 239: else 240: rank = rank.to_i 241: end 242: amount = params['amount'].value 243: amount = -amount if params['constant-amount'].value 244: @pool.set_payout(rank, amount) 245: save_pool 246: end
(Not documented)
# File bin/pool, line 192 192: def run 193: load_pool 194: tournament = YAML::load_file(params['entry'].value) 195: @pool.tournament_entry = tournament 196: save_pool 197: end
(Not documented)
# File bin/pool, line 208 208: def run 209: load_pool 210: @pool.entry_fee = params['amount'].value 211: save_pool 212: end
(Not documented)
# File bin/pool, line 316 316: def run 317: print usage.to_s 318: exit_warn! 319: end
(Not documented)
# File bin/gui.rb, line 18 18: def save_data 19: @entry.name = @name.text 20: @entry.tie_breaker = @tie_break.text.to_i 21: File.open(@save_file, "w") do |f| 22: YAML::dump(@entry, f) 23: end 24: end
(Not documented)
# File bin/pool, line 19 19: def save_file_name 20: params['save-file'].value 21: end
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