package net.das.jarsearch; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import java.util.jar.JarInputStream; import gnu.regexp.RE; import gnu.regexp.REException; /** * Searches a set of directories and archives for files whose names match a given * regular expression. The search may optionally recurse directories or archives. * * @author <a href="">Doug Seifert</a> */ public class JarSearch { private Set mInitialFiles; private Set mFiles; private RE mSearchRE; private boolean mRecurseDirectories = false; private boolean mRecurseArchives = false; /** * Create a search object that will search a set of directories, files and archives * for files whose path names match the provided regular expression. The list * may contain files, in which case the search is made against the file itelf. The * list may also contain directories, in which case the directory and optionally all * it's contents are searched. Finally, the list may contain jar archives. By default, * only archive contents are searched. Optionally, archives within archives (archive * recursion) may be searched. * * @param aSearchTerm A string search expression that is turned into a * gnu.regexp.RE object by invoking the RE(Object) constructor. * @param lDirectories The set of files, directories and archives to search. * @throws REException If the search term can't be turned into a valid RE object. */ public JarSearch(String aSearchTerm, Set lDirectories) throws REException { mSearchRE = new RE(aSearchTerm); mInitialFiles = lDirectories; } /** * Create a search object that will search a set of directories, files and archives * for files whose path names match the provided regular expression. The list * may contain files, in which case the search is made against the file itelf. The * list may also contain directories, in which case the directory and optionally all * it's contents are searched. Finally, the list may contain jar archives. By default, * only archive contents are searched. Optionally, archives within archives (archive * recursion) may be searched. * * @param aSearchRE A gnu.regexp.RE used to match file path names against. * @param lDirectories The set of files, directories and archives to search. */ public JarSearch(RE aSearchRE, Set lDirectories) { mSearchRE = aSearchRE; mInitialFiles = lDirectories; } /** * The main program for the JarSearch class. This program may be invoked as follows: * <code>java net.das.jarsearch.JarSearch [-r] [-a] {regexpstring} [file ...]</code> * <ul> * <li>If the -r flag is provided, any directories provided as arguments will be recursed.</li> * <li>If the -a flag is provided, any archives provided as arguments, or any archives found * as a result of directory recursion, will be recursed</li> * </ul> * * <p> * Archive recursion means that archives nested with archives to any level will be searched. * </p> * <p> * This method will call System.exit(0) if the search was performed without an error. If an * error occurs (for example, because the regexpstring can't be parsed into a valide * gnu.regexp.RE object), System.exit(1) will be called. System.exit(2) * will be called in the event of a usage error. * </p> * <p> * Example:<br> * java net.das.jarsearch.JarSearch -a Bean foo.ear<br> * Will list all files whose names contain the substring 'Bean' in the given ear archive. * Module archives that might be contained in the ear will also be searched. * </p> * * @param args The command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length < 2) { System.err.println("Usage: java " + JarSearch.class + " [-r] [-a] <regexpstring> [file ...]"); System.err.println(" <regexpstring> is a string that can be parsed into a " + "valid gnu.regexp.RE object."); System.err.println(" zero or more directories may be specified. If none are specified," + " the current working directory is searched."); System.exit(2); } try { int lArgIndex = 0; boolean lRecurseDirs = false; boolean lRecurseArchives = false; while (args[lArgIndex].startsWith("-")) { if ("-a".equals(args[lArgIndex])) { lRecurseArchives = true; } else if ("-r".equals(args[lArgIndex])) { System.out.println("Arg is -r, recurse dirs = true"); lRecurseDirs = true; } lArgIndex++; } if (args.length - lArgIndex < 2) { System.err.println("Usage: java " + JarSearch.class + " [-r] [-a] <regexpstring> [file ...]"); System.err.println(" <regexpstring> is a string that can be parsed into a " + "valid gnu.regexp.RE object."); System.err.println(" zero or more directories may be specified. If none are specified," + " the current working directory is searched."); System.exit(2); } String lSearchTerm = args[lArgIndex++]; Set lDirectories = new TreeSet(); for (int i = lArgIndex; i < args.length; ++i) { lDirectories.add(new File(args[i])); } JarSearch lSearch = new JarSearch(lSearchTerm, lDirectories); lSearch.setRecurseArchives(lRecurseArchives); lSearch.setRecurseDirectories(lRecurseDirs); System.out.println("Searching for '" + lSearchTerm + "' ..."); List lResults = lSearch.execute(); System.out.println("There are " + lResults.size() + " matches:"); Iterator i = lResults.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String lMatch = (String); System.out.println(lMatch); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } System.exit(0); } /** * Flag the search to recurse directories. * * @param aFlag Turn on or off directory recursion. */ public void setRecurseDirectories(boolean aFlag) { mRecurseDirectories = aFlag; } /** * Flag the search to recurse archives. If this is true, * archives within archives will be searched. * * @param aFlag Turn on or off archive recursion. */ public void setRecurseArchives(boolean aFlag) { mRecurseArchives = aFlag; } /** * Perform the search and return a List of search results. The result is a list * of String objects of the form: * <pre> * path/that/matched * path/of/archive/that/matched.jar * archive.jar>that/has/a/matching/file * an/archive.jar>within/an/archive.jar>that/has/a/match * ... * </pre> * @return A list of matches of the search expression */ public List execute() { // Find all files first. Returns a list of all command line args // and their children, recursively, if the -r flag was provided mFiles = findAllFiles(mInitialFiles); List lMatches = new ArrayList(); Iterator i = mFiles.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { File lFile = (File); // Is the file an archive, perform an archive search if (isArchive(lFile.getName())) { try { checkArchiveFile(lFile, lMatches); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println("Error checking archive: " + ioe); } } else { // It is a regular file, just match the path name against the RE if (mSearchRE.getMatch(lFile.getPath()) != null) { lMatches.add(lFile.getPath()); } } } return lMatches; } private void checkArchiveFile(File aFile, List aMatches) throws IOException { JarFile lJar = new JarFile(aFile); try { // Go through the jar entries looking for matches Enumeration lEntries = lJar.entries(); while (lEntries.hasMoreElements()) { JarEntry lEntry = (JarEntry) lEntries.nextElement(); checkEntry(lJar.getName(), lJar, lEntry, aMatches); } } finally { lJar.close(); } } private void checkArchiveStream(String aPrefix, JarInputStream aStream, List aMatches) throws IOException { //System.out.println("Checking stream: " + aPrefix); JarEntry lEntry = null; while ((lEntry = aStream.getNextJarEntry()) != null) { try { checkEntry(aPrefix, null, lEntry, aMatches); if (isArchive(lEntry.getName()) && mRecurseArchives) { // We have an archive within an archive, read the data and create a new // Jar input stream for it. We don't want to close this stream, because // it is a substream of a larger open enclosing stream. JarInputStream lNewStream = new JarInputStream(aStream); checkArchiveStream(aPrefix + ">" + lEntry.getName(), lNewStream, aMatches); } else { // Just read and discard the data to get to the next entry byte [] lBuf = new byte[4096]; while (, 0, 4096) > 0) { // do nothing, throw away the data } } } finally { aStream.closeEntry(); } } } private void checkEntry(String aPrefix, JarFile aOriginalFile, JarEntry aEntry, List aMatches) throws IOException { // If we are looking at an archive within a top-level (on the filesystem) archive, // open a stream and look inside it if the -a flag was specified. if (aOriginalFile != null && isArchive(aEntry.getName()) && mRecurseArchives) { JarInputStream lStream = new JarInputStream(aOriginalFile.getInputStream(aEntry)); try { checkArchiveStream(aPrefix + ">" + aEntry.getName(), lStream, aMatches); } finally { lStream.close(); } } else { if (mSearchRE.getMatch(aEntry.getName()) != null) { aMatches.add(aPrefix + ">" + aEntry.getName()); } } } private boolean isArchive(String aName) { return (aName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar") || aName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".ear") || aName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip") || aName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".rar") || aName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".war")); } private Set findAllFiles(Set aBaseDirs) { // Find all the files in the input set, performs initial directory recursion Set lFiles = new TreeSet(); Iterator i = aBaseDirs.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { File lBaseDir = (File); if (lBaseDir.isDirectory() && mRecurseDirectories) { findRegularFiles(lBaseDir, lFiles); findArchives(lBaseDir, lFiles); } lFiles.add(lBaseDir); } return lFiles; } private void findArchives(File aDir, final Set aFiles) { File[] lArchiveFiles = aDir.listFiles( new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File pathname) { if (pathname.isDirectory()) { findArchives(pathname, aFiles); return false; } if (isArchive(pathname.getPath())) { return true; } return false; } }); if (lArchiveFiles != null) { for (int i = 0; i < lArchiveFiles.length; ++i) { aFiles.add(lArchiveFiles[i]); } } } private void findRegularFiles(File aDir, final Set aFiles) { File[] lRegularFiles = aDir.listFiles( new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File pathname) { if (pathname.isDirectory() && mRecurseDirectories) { findRegularFiles(pathname, aFiles); return false; } return true; } }); if (lRegularFiles != null) { for (int i = 0; i < lRegularFiles.length; ++i) { aFiles.add(lRegularFiles[i]); } } } }